The Online Academic

Resources for teaching effectively in an online environment


My name is Kendall Giles and I am a Collegiate Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech. I also teach in the Master of Information Technology program and the Master of Engineering program. Finally, I am a PhD student in the Department of Science, Technology, and Society in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences.

Academia in the 21st century is increasingly becoming a blend of physical and digital instruction, with learning experiences mediated and shaped by technology becoming the norm. As instructors, the distractions, frustrations, and challenges posed by the digital and technological world around us suggest we must be proactive in keeping our focus on delivering the best learning experiences possible for our students. This need motivated The Online Academic, where my goal is to share resources to help all instructors teach effectively in an online environment.

Kendall Giles presenting an AI talk